Fees and Details

Special Introductory Trial Offer
As a special introductory offer Robert Wilson will provide 5 assessments for $50


  • Step 1 - Complete the on-line application form. When this is received by Robert Wilson, he will send you a username and password which will allow you to upload your digital images for assessment. Included will be an invoice and payment details.
  • Step 2 - Send a cheque to Robert Wilson for $50 to the address shown on the invoice.
  • Step 3 - Upload your digital image and notify Robert. Digital images should be in JPG format, less then 200k in size and should be about 600 pixels wide. They are uploaded to a private album on Robert's Picture Gallery. Only you and Robert can view them.
  • Step 4 - Robert will assess your image and provide you with a critique which will consist of a modified image and written comments.
  • Step 5 - Either modify your image taking into account Robert's comments and upload it for re-assessment or upload a new image. A total of 5 images can be uploaded.